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Included in your assessment purchase will be a digital download of the assessment, for immediate use with your students/clients. We respectfully ask you purchase a copy per setting or per practice and use only within your immediate setting / practice.

This is an informal baseline assessment to give you a starting point for intervention. It can also be used for monitoring progress.

Watch this video with one of our therapists demonstrating it and talking you through the scoring and planning of lessons there after. Please Note: this is not a colourful semantics training session but a support video to help you use the informal assessment tool.

We have created a guidance / demonstration document so you can learn more about the assessment before your purchase. Click here to download a short demo

This shows the comparisons between the CS assessment and the EYFS/KS1 curriculum statements as well as an example of an F2 speaking intervention and using the EYFS Development Matters statements to assess the progress made.

What is included in your pack?
-Note to user
-Who is it for?
-What do you need?
-How do you use it?

The pack includes guidance on who the baseline assessment is for, what you need, how to undertake the assessment, question prompts and target responses. This is a non-editable / non-printable document.

We commissioned a fantastic artist to create our illustrations which we are sure will be loved by all!

The download is a ZIP file which includes the instructions together on one document with the scoring form and images. The blank scoring form and the set of images are also supplied in the ZIP file as separate documents. The images files is non-editable / non-printable and should be presented to the client via a tablet / laptop or communication aid device. The blank scoring sheet allows you to input the client’s answers on each section directly on to the document which can also be printed.

This resource pack includes an introduction to colourful semantics. 

Please note: the pack will download as a Zip file – we recommend you download on to a PC as it may not download correctly via an iPad / phone.

In downloading the ZIP file you agree to your details being added to our colourful semantics database for future updates regarding Colourful Semantics.